Start of term - 04 January 2022
YR 7, 10 & 11 Onsite, YR 8 & 9 Remote Learning
Tuesday 4 January 2022
All students in years 7, 10 and 11 will return to school as originally planned on Tuesday 4 January. The school buses will be running and the school day will start at the normal time. Students will be directed to their tutor groups on arrival and will remain there until they have been tested. Lessons will start from Period 3.
Students in years 8 and 9 will work from home remotely on Tuesday 4 January Work will be set online by teachers and there will not be “live” lessons during this day.
Wednesday 5 January 2022
All students in all years will be expected in school.
Students in years 8 and 9 will be guided to the main hall on arrival whilst they wait to be tested, they will be tested in class groups and once their whole class is clear they will begin their school day, please make sure they have books and equipment for all their lessons on Wednesday 5.
Students in years 7, 10 and 11 will follow a normal school day.