GCSE Results Day 2020

Every member of the Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge family should feel a great pride in the GCSE and BTEC results that the students have received today. We would like to congratulate our students on their hard work and their determination and resilience that has led them to receiving these results.

The uncertainty of the last few months must have been incredibly stressful but we are incredibly proud of how our students have managed themselves and stayed engaged across the lockdown period. The results that the students are collecting today is the reflection of their hard work and application over the last few years.

We are also really excited for our students and their destinations as they go off to study at Kendrick, Piggott, Highdown, Berkshire College of Agriculture, Henley College and Reading College and we are proud that they have secured these places from studying at Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge. Whether it be A-Levels, Apprenticeships or Diplomas we are sure they will seize the opportunities they have obtained through their effort and fortitude and make a great success of their future lives.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in these results. The staff have worked with a unity of purpose to ensure the results were as strong as possible and it is always a delight to witness the close working relationships and sense of community that support this at Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge. I would also like to thank the parents who have supported the students and the school so robustly in the last five years. We wish everyone involved all the best for their future.

Andy Hartley
