We aim to deliver a high quality, rigorous and coherent curriculum with a range of pathways that provide a stimulating and demanding education for students of all abilities.
The objectives for our curriculum are
- To meet the needs of our students and keep as many options open to them as possible.
- To secure the best possible academic results for all our students.
- To ensure high quality learning over time.
- To ensure substantial knowledge and language acquisition.
- To practise and develop transferable skills development
- To prepare students for the next phase of their education or employment and life in modern Britain.
- To develop well-rounded, confident and open-minded young adults.
Running through all of our curriculum, including the pastoral curriculum, are strands of Personal, Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education (Personal Development) which cover themes such as:
- Making and maintaining positive relationships
- Staying safe and healthy (including Relationships and Sex Education, Radicalisation and cyber-safety)
- Respect of self and others
- Equality and inclusion – especially tolerance, respect and understanding of people from protected groups, including those with different faiths and beliefs
- British values eg: rights and responsibilities, democracy and the rule of law
There is also a programme of careers and employability education.
Information about each subject is available in our 2024/5 Curriculum Booklets which are available to view on the Foundation or KS4 Curriculum pages.
For further information about what students will be studying and the options that are available to them please download our Curriculum Statement.
For any further queries regarding the curriculum please contact Miss Bliss via the main office.