Mental Health and wellbeing

We are very aware of the increasing prevalence of mental health issues in schools and we have various strategies in place to address this at Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge.

Personal Development

Our Personal Development provision is delivered largely through weekly tutor sessions. These sessions cover a whole range of topics which include aspects of mental/emotional health and wellbeing. 

Please see our Personal Development page for further details.


We cover aspects of emotional health in assemblies and invite guest speakers in to talk to our students on a variety of issues.

Pastoral Care

We pride ourselves on our high quality pastoral provision. This means that all staff understand that they have a responsibility to monitor the wellbeing of students in their care. Staff routinely share concerns about students with Heads of Year, Pastoral Leaders and where appropriate our Designated Safeguarding Officer.

We might respond to concerns raised in one of the following ways:

  • A simple conversation with the student which is followed up at a later date.
  • A conversation with parents to share a concern.
  • Regular appointments with a Pastoral Lead to discuss concerns and worries.
  • Referral to School Counsellor – We now have our own school counsellor who is qualified and experienced in working with young people. Students are seen during the school day. Sessions are entirely confidential unless either the student gives permission for the information to be passed on, or where the counsellor feels that the students is or has been at risk of harm.
  • Referral to a School Nurse – Referrals to the School Nurse are usually made when the concerns are around healthy eating, body-image or sexual health.
  • In the event that we feel that a student is, or is at risk of becoming, mentally ill then we are likely to make a referral to CAMHS (Child and adolescent mental health service) in consultation with the parents.

Accessing Help and Support Away from School

We understand that some families prefer to access support away from school. In this event we encourage parents to let the student’s Head of Year know in order that we are aware that there are some issues and so that we can be sensitive to them. Families can access advice and support from:

National Organisations

Links to national organisations that can offer help and support for parents can be found HERE.