Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge is a fully inclusive school. We welcome all students and look to assist students to overcome all barriers to learning.
Our priority for children with special educational needs is to provide high quality teaching and pastoral care and effective interventions.
We aim:-
- To help every young person reach their full potential and optimise their self-esteem
- To encourage the whole community to develop and demonstrate a positive attitude towards special educational needs and disabilities
- To encourage and support young people to participate in all decision-making processes in relation to their education and that their views are taken into account
- To follow a graduated approach to Special Educational Needs where appropriate actions are matched to the needs and wishes of each young person
- To support the students in building the skills and attributes necessary to develop their independence
- To promote equality and consideration for others
- To celebrate student achievement
- To develop social skills
We provide:-
- Classroom and small group support across the curriculum where necessary
- Bespoke timetables where necessary
- Support during tutor time and social time where necessary
- Targeted intervention where necessary
- Speech and Language support where necessary
- An enhanced transition programme for those needing additional support with the move to secondary school
- Lots of understanding and expertise
Our SENCO is Mrs C Ashley, contacted via
In all of this work we aim to work as closely as possible with parents and carers to complement the work they do in supporting their child towards these goals.
The link to Oxfordshire Services for SEND can be found here and Reading Borough's Services for SEND children can be found here.
The SEND Information Report along with the SEND Profile can be found below and SEND Policy can be found on our Key Policies page.
Any complaints from parents of children with special educational needs about the support provided by the school should follow our school Complaints Policy found here.